

El 19 de enero en el Club Campestre se realizó la Convivencia de Preescolar. Espacios lúdicos pedagógicos como este, enriquecen día a día, las relaciones entre nuetros pequeños y su entorno. Nuestra labor como institución es continuar fortaleciendo los principios y valores dados en casa, los cuales rigen su diario vivir.



The “action” in the English day took place in our nice school on November 27Th and all the photos involving characters were shot on location.

In these activities students develop all of the four skills-Listening, speaking, reading, and writing- through activities such as riddles, tongue twisters, singing contest, spelling contest and puppets short representations (Little red riding hood, three little pigs) strengthening development of the students communicative competence through exposure to and practice with language as it is used in real life, and also provides valuable opportunities for students to draw on their prior language acquired across the curriculum and links their learning in new ways.

This kind of activities stimulates creative play, develop the students´ imaginations, and use the new language in meaningful theme-related contexts. Learners share their satisfaction in both the creative process and the final completed product.

Nuestros nuevos estudiantes

Bienvenidos a los nuevos estudiantes que ingresaron en diciembre y enero a hacer parte de la gran familia Colombo Francés.
En su orden: Juan Sebastián Muñoz de grado 8º, Melissa Buchelli de grado 10º, Isabela Erazo de grado 6º, Daniela Rojas de grado 9º y las pequeñitas Catalina Betancourt de transición y Maria José Botero de prejardín.